One of my latest additions is a Jupiter 21M F4/200mm lens! It weighs in at just under a kilo and when attached to my M4/3 Panasonic G9 with an adaptor, the gear is decidedly front heavy! Having used this setup with a tripod, I am beginning to think that a geared tripod head might be a good buy!
I have only tried it out indoors as it’s raining! The attached shot was taken under tungsten lighting at F4 – yes, wide open! I was pleased with the focusing and how the colours were rendered. It definitely gives a vintage feel to the image. The shot was taken at just under 4 metres and the shallow depth of field is very apparent at this aperture. However, vignetting appears non existent, much to my surprise!
All in all, I am pleased with purchase which arrived from Latvia in record time.

Jupiter 21M F4/200mm lens and test shot.